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A member registered Oct 25, 2016

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Got pretty close to passing stage 2. It's quite a scramble to handle reloading when the zombies are up in my face. My head seemed pretty high in the game - tables were down by my knees. I guess you have to shoot to get health boosts? Some sound feedback when I buy ammo would be helpful.

Well done getting a VR game up and running.

Thanks for the game!

Cool, I'll be able to check it out some time this week, not sure when.

I walked around "in game" some. What I see is kind of a browish earth globe with the horizon circling me with a big white vertical box right in the middle of my play area. I can walk through the square and see the same thing on the other side. I ran room scale setup again, and it's still the same thing. No rush getting back to this, I'm happy to retest when you get around to it.

(1 edit)

Awesome game guys, really fun! I couldn't figure out how to restart once I was dead. Thanks for the game +1

Unsure how to load this is VR. Worked on monitor, nothing in vive though.

Hey FYI it's not working for me. I get a screen on my monitor with start, load, option, highscore, exit options. Clicking on them with mouse has no affect. In my headset I see a half white wall and the rest is brown. Willing to work with you to figure the issue out.

Sounds good, thanks for the response. Also, I was at a loss when the flare went out and all was dark and sadness until I read the walk through, but that's early access amiright :-)

Looking forward to the new release.

Like the city/zombie environment. The slow movement can be frustrating. Hope to see more of this, looks promising.

My arms are already sore and I smacked the wall once. What a great game. Love the weirdness, rubby leg guys, random laughter in the background, arms up to start, gore - This game could go over the top with that with blood and limbs going all over. Maybe a little less rubberiness in the spear and hammer. Thanks for the game. +1